Project 1 Lost & Found - Partner:Yibo Fu


This project is about finding a personal object that my partner has lost. He will descript the object using verbal language, and I will try to recreate that using code and visual language for him.

Design Process

My partner Yibo descript the object he lost.

Based on his description, I guess he lost his left Apple Airpod. I made a quick sketch for the Airpod.

Below is the grayscale draft I start with.


1.I learn the Javascript code from the process of project making.

2.Draw a daily object using only basic shapes and colors.

3.Understand how colors are shown on the computer, and work on the RGB color system.

4.Use code to "draw" daily objects.

5.Get familiar with P5.js (how it works/what can it do)

6.Use Libary on the P5.js website to find the code I need.

7.Get familiar with Glitch.

New things to think about:

*Does P5.js have "Gradient Tool"?

*Can I insert images in P5.js?

*How to create interaction with P5.js?